Run Chica is continually evolving. We are riding the wave of new technology trends and building on our skills. But regardless of the latest gadget or new heuristic, what remains at the center is a human connection — the urge to connect.  The art is finding the essential story and making the experience intuitive and entertaining.

Here are some of my favorite quotes.

“Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.” – Antoine de Saint

“Don’t stop filling your heart with the pulse of the world. As an artist you have to take things in as well.” – Hillman Curtis

“I believe that the next real transformation will be in our relationship to the spaces in our world.” – Karen Holtzblatt, the CEO of InContext Design

“Get out into the world. Get curious and look at human patterns. Because these that can inspire us to design solutions that are more intuitive, useful and meaningful.” — Jane Fulton Suri


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